Bumblebees Class
Class Teacher: Mrs J McArdle

Dragonflies Class
Class Teacher: Mrs J Cutting, Miss L Skinmore

Ladybirds Class
Class Teacher: Mrs L Prince
Welcome to Year One Classes
Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs M Colman, Mrs K Rutledge, Mrs K Kimber, Miss K Hull, Mrs A Rayment.
Year 1 is an exciting year, full of fun and investigative learning! We build upon the EYFS curriculum and routine at the beginning of Year 1, to ensure there is a smooth transition from EYFS to Year 1. As each term goes by, we encourage increased independence to ensure they are prepared for life inside and outside of school and their transition to Year 2.
As soon as the children enter the classroom, they have tabletop challenges that build upon their previous learning, often in a more practical format. The Year 1 curriculum builds on the experiences that the children have had in Reception and gradually develops a more formal style of learning. Year 1 is a particularly important year for developing and consolidating the phonics skills learnt in Reception. We prepare for the Phonic Screening Test throughout the year by enjoying daily whole-class phonics sessions with extra revision throughout the week. At Stone, we are big believers that the skill of reading is of the same importance as the enjoyment. We provide incentives for the children to read at home, but also have cosy reading corners for the children to thrive in. We read with the children at least 3 times a week in group reading practice as well as reading one to one.
Our maths lessons always begin with revision e.g. number bonds to 10, counting forwards and backwards. We then progress to mastering maths by introducing a new method. In all our lessons, we use what we call ‘Kagan structures’. These are teaching and learning methods designed to promote cooperation and communication in the classroom, boost students’ confidence and retain their interest in classroom interaction.
Of course the children’s learning is of great importance, but we are also here to ensure your child feels safe, happy and loved every time they enter our classrooms.
The Baptist Model Primary School in Sierra Leone is our charity for this year. Find more out about our courageous advocacy here.
Welcome to Year 1!
An example of our class timetable can be found below, but please note that our timetables are flexible and subject to change, and we do not always teach the same lessons on the same days, but this gives you an insight into curriculum coverage.
Please note that our PE day is Monday, children should come to school in their correct PE kit (no jewellery please).
Terms/Topic Information
Our learning this year will be based on the topics below and will change accordingly each term. Parents can view a ‘Curriculum Overview’ at the start of each term informing them about what the children will be learning, as well as a detailed newsletter. This will also be available below to download.
Several times throughout the school year we come away from our regular timetable and have themed days. This is when the whole school focuses on the same concept and uses a central image, text, song etc as the stimulus for all the learning. It allows for and encourages even more creativity and gives us the chance to unite in our learning with the same theme across the whole school.
More Information about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages.
Term | Newsletter | Knowledge Organiser |
1 | Term 1 Newsletter | |
2 | Term 2 Newsletter | Term 2 Knowledge Organiser |
3 | Term 3 Newsletter | Term 3 Knowledge Organiser |
4 | Term 4 Newsletter | Term 4 Knowledge Organiser |
5 | ||
6 |
Home Learning
Your homework tasks for each term are uploaded to Google Classroom. Once you have completed a task, either upload your task to the stream to share with your peers or submit it to your class teacher.
Don’t forget to be reading at home!
Useful Parent Resources at Year 1
For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.