Collective Worship
As a Church of England School, Collective Worship is carried out on a daily basis. It is Christian in content and encourages worship of God. Collective worship allows time for guidance, positive thought and development on spiritual, moral, social and emotional issues. Worship also allows an opportunity for quiet reflection and exploration of self.
Daily worship may be led by staff, children or visitors to the school. These worship times have a theme and may include stories, songs or hymns, prayers plus a time of reflection. The altar in the school hall and the artwork on the wall were created by pupils at the school and is a spectacular focal point for worship. We follow the Christian calendar and celebrate special days and festivals throughout the year. Parents and the community are warmly invited to share our daily worship and weekly celebrations as well as these special services.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship if their own religious beliefs make this necessary. If you wish to withdraw your child please contact the Headteacher.
Children have the right to be withdrawn from Collective Worship if their parents wish. Please see Collective Worship/RE policies or make an appointment to see the Headteacher.
We are part of the Diocese of Rochester and Canterbury and you can link to the Diocese of Rochester and Canterbury website by clicking here

Acts of Worship
Children will take part in a daily Act of Christian Worship either with the whole school, their Key Stage or their class. Parents are invited to join us when the Act of Worship is led by an individual class.
Parents are also invited to attend special celebrations (e.g. Termly Eucharist Services, Harvest, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Easter, Year 6 Leavers’ Service) both in school and in St. Mary’s Church, Stone.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the daily Act of Worship. Any child withdrawn would be engaged in a purposeful activity whilst being supervised by a member of staff. If you have any concerns about the Act of Worship, please contact the Headteacher.
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught in accordance with both the Understanding Christianity Scheme and the Kent Agreed Syllabus. RE enables pupils to appreciate their own and others’ beliefs and cultures, helping them to develop a clear understanding of the significance of religion in their own area as well as in the world today.
See our Religious Education page for more information.
Leading Lights
To find out more about our Leading Lights group, please visit the Pupil Leadership page here
Our Church
We believe every child should be valued as a unique child of God. We teach respect for everyone regardless of background, colour, ethnicity or faith. We have strong links with our local parish Church of St. Mary’s in Stone.
St Mary’s is a 13th-century Parish church. For more information please visit: St. Mary’s Church Website here.

Our School Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for our school, teachers and our friends.
Guide us to be shining lights in our school community
To live our vision and values.
To always do our best and treat others as we would wish to be treated.
Help us to remember that I am because we are.