Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Stone St. Mary’s C of E Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is in the process of becoming a registered charity, with a mission to make the children’s primary years fun, inclusive, and memorable. 

The PTAs two main objectives include; 

  • Organise fundraising events throughout the year, helping the school pay for items that will improve learning experiences for the children. 
  • Create a community that brings parents, teachers and children closer together. Ensuring everyone can get involved with PTA activities, meet new people and have fun. 

PTA Management

Chair: Shelley Paradise

Treasurer: Kara Karaboga

Secretary: Natalie Ashman

Contact Details

To keep up to date with the latest news from Stone St Mary’s PTA follow their Facebook page

If you would like to become a member of the PTA please contact:

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