Here you will find the reports from our last OFSTED & SIAMS inspections.
To see our current Key Stage Results, please visit the Key Stage Results page.
“Pupils describe their school as a community where individuals from different backgrounds come together as one” – OFSTED 2020
Stone St. Mary’s was pleased to receive a ‘GOOD’ rating from OFSTED after an inspection that took place in March 2020.
The outcome highlights the quality of Stone St. Mary’s C of E Primary School’s offering:
- Teaching is good, and some are outstanding. Teaching enables pupils to make good progress and achieve increasingly high standards in all subjects.
- The school’s results of national screening in phonics (linking letters to the sounds they make) are higher than those seen in most other schools.
- Children make good progress and are well prepared for learning in Year 1.
- Pupils’ results in reading, writing, mathematics and English grammar, punctuation and spelling at the end of Key Stage 2 are higher than those seen in most schools.
- Pupils have positive attitudes towards learning and take pride in their work.
- Pupils understand the school values of ‘caring, growing, shining’ and how they help guide their behaviour so that they can all live together harmoniously.

“The strong and inspirational Christian vision has a huge effect in this school. Pupils aspire to be a Good Samaritan (‘caring’).” – SIAMS 2023
Stone St. Mary’s was pleased to receive a positive grading from SIAMS after an inspection that took place in November 2023.
The outcome highlights the quality of Stone St. Mary’s C of E Primary School’s offering:
The school’s Christian vision is life-affirming. It is embedded in everything the school does.Leaders are dedicated to ensuring that pupils and adults are able to flourish through caring, growing and shining together. This they do.
Collective worship deepens the spirituality of the school community. Pupils engage in worship with enthusiasm, deep respect and appreciation.
Pupils and adults are very happy at this school and learn within a strong culture of recognition and celebration.
Pupils see themselves as agents of change and stand up for issues they are passionate about. They are moved to action in responding to global issues.
The religious education (RE) curriculum allows pupils to flourish well. They highly value the subject and develop strong religious literacy.